Friday, August 24, 2007


Well, think I got scooped. I had this great idea to focus on just one pundit and totally review everything they say as a means to creating better pundits. David Brin in his book The Transparent Society suggested that in time all these pundits and bloggers would be put up to a Bullshine detector by the fact of all their previous predictions would be on line and there might even be a rating service to help readers spot the best prognosticators.

Can't come soon enough for me. In fact I had already picked out Rich Lowry and John Podhoretz as being so incredibly poor predictors that even I could keep their feet to the fire part time. The one I would really like to work on is Paul Krugman just because his assertions are just so much more reasonable on their face that someone really does have to go back and see what his prediction-come-true ratio is.

Well anyway, someone really layed into Lowry this week and I can't find the link.

Maybe tommorrow will be better

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